Monday, June 25, 2012

Aurelia Rose Inc.

Several months ago I was looking up videos of that song I Will Carry You by Selah and Youtube when I came across one that showed a mom and her baby.  A video she had made a dedication to her daughter Aurelia Rose.  It was beautiful.  At the end of the video, I realized that she actually started her own organization to make videos like this for grieving parents.  Wow.  What a great service to provide... something to honor our babies with one of the most beautiful songs ever... this song is constantly playing in my head throughout everyday. 

I went to the website and filled out an application to have them create a video for me.  For Cameron.  I got a response back within a day... I was amazed at how fast they wrote me back and stated they would be happy to make a video for me!  I immediately started gathering the photos I had.  They only allow up to 40 pictures on a DVD, yet, I was having trouble coming up with 40.  Isn't that sad?  My own child, and I struggle to find just 40 pictures... I wish I had taken more at the hospital.  At least one of me holding him... kissing him.  One of my parents hold him... their only grandchild.  But I have none.  So instead, I started trying to take pictures of things that symbolized him.  Things that we have done for him since.  And it took several months, but I finally submitted them all a couple of weeks ago.

I was anxious to get the DVD back.  And once again, Katrina, the founder, was quick to respond to me and told me they were getting started on the DVD.  There are several options of songs to choose from and different formats for the pictures to be seen on, but I chose the scrapbook format alongside of I Will Carry You.  She kept me updated throughout the process and told me when they would be shipped out.  They also provided multiple copies of the DVD so I could give to mine and Eric's parents, and my Aunt Elva, who was there to share in the joy of the only moment we got to spend with Cameron.

I received the DVD's, but was so scared to watch them.  I didn't want to cry.  Just recently, I've started feeling better than I have since I lost Cameron.  I didn't want to go back to that dark place.  So, I held the DVD's, but did not watch them until last week.  And I was so moved and so surprised.  Aurelia Rose did a beautiful job!  And I wasn't sad!  I felt a sense of hopefulness... a sense of peace that I did not expect.  I was moved.... and happy.  I saw my baby on there... I saw how much love there is for him... and I felt peace. 

I love how grieving mother's do things like this for their children.  This is their way of keeping their child's memory alive... of doing something for their child since their child is not in our physical world to cherish.  I have been pondering about what I can do for Cameron... some mom's write names in sand, in the stars, on doves to send to other mothers.  Others make scrapbook tags, handkerchiefs, videos like this!  I've talked about it with Eric, but we're still at a loss of what our contribution can be.  I know for Cameron's birthday, September 1st, I do want to make memory boxes to donate to the hospital for other mom's that have to go through this terrible loss.  It's hard being in the hospital, in the maternity ward, delivering your nonliving child, when you know next door, that family is happy hearing their baby cry... and it was a different outcome for us.  So, I am so grateful for Threads of Love in San Antonio, Texas that provided me with Cameron's memory box.  I wasn't expecting it, but I love it so much.

Please consider donating to Aurelia Rose at their website.  And other angel mommies out there reading this, visit Aurelia Rose to honor your babies.  Such a beautiful way Katrina is remembering her daughter...


  1. I'm so very glad you received your video and that it brought you such peace. Sadly enough, I don't think I have 10 pictures of my son, much less 40. I love that you added pictures of things that Remind you of Cameron . I love the idea of giving back to other grieving mommies, I'm just mot sure what I want to do exactly. :) I know others would love your memory boxes!

    Have a great night!

    1. Yeah, sadly I only have two pictures of Cameron. The rest I just included of things I did for him... it was sad. I so wish I had more. I wish I had some of me holding him and kissing him... it's going to be the biggest regret of my life.
